Marti Maraden
Drayton Entertainment: A Few Good Men, Twelve Angry Men, The Miracle Worker, The Birds & The Bees, The Rainmaker, Death of a Salesman, Harvest, Brighton Beach Memoirs, The Odd
Couple, Looking, Deathtrap, Tuesdays with Morrie, Sleuth.
Other Theatre: Artistic Director of English Theatre for the National Arts Centre for eight years. Eighteen seasons as an actor and director at the Stratford Festival.
In 2008, Ms. Maraden was a Co-Artistic Director of the Stratford Festival. Productions include: The Winter’s Tale, The Trojan Women, The Merchant of Venice, Alice Through the Looking Glass. Seven seasons as an actor and director at the Shaw Fesval. Director of Love’s Labour’s Lost, Much Ado About Nothing, Othello (Chicago Shakespeare Theater), Pride and Prejudice (Globe) and many more.