String Quartet Opus 20, No. 5 by Joseph Haydn
String Quartet Opus 127 by Ludwig van Beethoven
Factory Arts String Quartet
Julie Baumgartel, violin
Andrew Chung, violin
Judith Davenport, viola
Ben Bolt-Martin, cello
At some point in the life of a master there is nothing to be proven. The grand gesture in search of validation gives way to self-assured expressions of confidence in his craft. Works from this period in a master’s life tend to reflect the true nature of their creator like nothing else.
Master craftsmen Haydn and Beethoven both created many benchmarks in the evolution of the string quartet. Haydn, the acknowledged father of the genre achieved perfection in his Opus 20, No. 5. Beethoven’s late quartets reign supreme in their complexity, length, and expressive power. His Opus 127 cements his legacy in the musical pantheon.
Free Event
Kicking off our season during Culture Days weekend, INNERchamber will host a free open rehearsal at Factory163 at 3:00 pm on October 1st where the ensemble will make final preparations ahead of the evening’s concert.