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Contributions from patrons like yourselves are vital to the continuation of INNERchamber's pursuit of creative excellence. They signal to us that our community is applauding a music series that can connect, inspire, and delight.


You may make a donation to INNERchamber Inc. in one of the following ways:


  • by cheque, made out to INNERchamber Inc. and send to 165 Norman Street, Stratford ON, N5A 5S1

  • electronically via Canada Helps:  Donate now (provide that no season tickets are desired)

  •  by Visa or MC by telephoning 519-271-4183 and speaking with our Treasurer Leslie Jost


Your personal gift may be recognized in the following ways:


Artistic Director’s Circle 

$1,500 and above will provide support for the entire concert season

  • invitation to attend a rehearsal selected by the Artistic Director

  • recognition in all seven concert programs and on the INNERchamber website

  • special recognition at concert of choice: public announcement and all concert print material 

  • two season subscriptions valued at $566 (charitable tax receipt will be reduced by this value, or donor may waive this benefit and receive a tax receipt for the full amount)

  • reserved seats at all concerts

  • the opportunity to meet with the Artistic Director, the Composer-in-Residence, and the performing artists after the concert of your choice


Concert Partner

$1,000 - $1499 will provide support for one concert

  • reserved seats at that concert

  • recognition in all seven concert programs and on the INNERchamber website

  • special recognition at concert of choice: public announcement and all concert print material 

  • four tickets to that concert valued at $180 (charitable tax receipt will be reduced by this value, or donor may waive this benefit and receive a tax receipt for the full amount)



$500 - $999 

  • recognition in all seven concert programs and on the INNERchamber website

  • two tickets to a concert of choice valued at $90 (charitable tax receipt will be reduced by this value, or donor may waive this benefit and receive a tax receipt for the full amount)



$20 - $499

  • recognition in all seven concert programs and on the INNERchamber website

  • charitable tax receipt 


Supporter and Friend donations may be directed to the General Fund or Outreach Program.  The goal of the Outreach Program is to bring specially tailored versions of our chamber music programs into our schools and aged-care homes.  Please indicate whether your intention is to direct your donation to our Outreach Program or the General Fund.


Please Note: For donations of $500 or more, please indicate clearly whether or not the season tickets are desired.

INNERchamber Inc. is a charitable arts organization; BN 806565917RR0001

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