Sunday, 5 June 2016
Everybody loves a trickster. From Loki to Bugs Bunny, we root for these anarchic free spirits as they overthrow the powerful with guile, humour and a healthy sense of mischief. Richard Strauss, INNERchamber’s composer-in-residence Marek Norman and other great composers will fortify our merry band as we gleefully frolic through the subversive world of musical pranksters, hooligans and con men.
Kokopeli - Katherine Hoover
Pulau Dewata - Claude Vivier
Till Eulenspiegel Einmal Anders! - Hasenohrl / R. Strauss
Tonomoda - Andrew Twa
The Human Comedy - Shostakovich
A Day Like No Other (world premiere) - Marek Norman
Factory Arts Ensemble
Ben Bolt-Martin, cello
Andrew Chung, violin
Derek Conrod, horn
Liesel Deppe, flute
Graham Hargrove, percussion
Peter Shackleton, clarinet
Ian Whitman, bass