Sunday, 27 September 2015
“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, ...”
As autumn descends on Southern Ontario, harpist Lori Gemmell and CBC “Shift” host Tom Allen join the FASQ in an exploration of the grotesque world of Edgar Allan Poe. Opening our sixth season, and joining the national Culture Days celebration, this concert features The Raven by Canadian legend Alexina Louie, André Caplet’s Conte Fantastique (inspired by Poe’s The Masque of Red Death) and Debussy’s mysterious and powerful String Quartet.
Tom Allen, narrator
Lori Gemmell, harp
Factory Arts String Quartet
Julie Baumgartel, violin
Andrew Chung, violin
Brandon Chui, viola
Ben Bolt-Martin, cello
CAPLET Conte Fantastique
DEBUSSY String Quartet, Op. 10
LOUIE The Raven
Free Event
In addition to the evening event, Dark Tales is part of the national Culture Days celebration. We will be holding a free afternoon talk about the idea behind this concert, followed by a glimpse of an open rehearsal. Show up at Factory163 for a 3:30 pm start, as we get ready for the evening's festivities.