Shadow Puppet Theatre:
Arlene Thomas + Nike Abbott
INNERchamber Ensemble
Julie Baumgartel + Andrew Chung, baroque violin
Margaret Jordan-Gay, baroque cello
Borys Medicky, harpsichord
Terry McKenna, baroque guitar and theorbo
1st half
Balletto Primo (op. 30) by Maurizio Cazzati
Aria amoroso by Nicola Matteis
Ayres for the Violin: Preludio, Adagio, Alemanda, Sarabanda amorosa, Gavotta, Aria Allegra, Andamento con imitazione del basso, Scaramuccia by Nicola Matteis
This concert combines the “cycles” inherent in baroque music, including the most famous cycle of all, with the wonderful world of shadow puppetry. The first half of this concert features music from Italy, Scotland and Germany, weaving a path from Cazzati to Matteis, Oswald to Telemann. The second half features the newest production to come from the wellspring of Shadow Puppet Theatre. “Widget” is a lonely robot in a concrete world. When he discovers a dear friend in Flower, desperately trying to poke its way out of the asphalt, Widget embarks on a four seasons adventure to protect Flower’s safety, while battling Sky Bee and the rain and snow elements Mother Nature has in store. Teaming up with SPT is the INNERchamber Ensemble on period instruments for excerpts from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons as the musical backdrop for this family friendly escapade.
A sonata of Scots tunes by James Oswald
Intrada-Suite for 2 Violins ‘Gulliver’s Travels’, TWV 40:108 by Georg Philipp Telemann
Capriccio detto il Marescotti a due Violini, in Ecco (op. 50) by Maurizio Cazzati
Capriccio sopra le sette note (1659) by Maurizio Cazzati
Diverse bizzarie sopra la vecchia sarabanda o pur ciaccona by Nicola Matteis
2nd half
“Widget”, with excerpts from The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi
Factory 163
163 King Street, Stratford
Light dinner begins at 6, music at 7